Little Man’s Hero Room
When we bought this house, the 2 older boys had to share a room, as well as the 2 older girls. Little man, being 4 at the time, got to have his own room. There was an instant chorus of “No Fairs”.
A quick reminder to the older kids that, “Little Man not only goes to bed much earlier than everyone else, but also takes naps and unless you would like to change your bed time and start taking naps, I suggest you pipe down.”

One of my all time favorite make over projects is Kid’s Rooms! They are so fun and are basically “rule free”. I, of course, had A MILLION IDEAS. I wanted to go ahead and just do something bold and 100% boy. After all, this was my FIRST BOY ROOM and I was EXCITED. I know that Little Man would have LOVED anything I had chosen to do, but the GOOD MOM in me decided to get his feedback. It was his room after all.
Little Man wanted Spider Man. Like, REALLY wanted Spider-Man.
So here’s the thing, I like Spider-Man. I really do. I just really wanted to do something a bit more.. different?.. Oh well. Spider-Man it is.
Now, I am about 99.9% sure that Little Man’s current room will be his room for however long he lives with us, but you just never know what the future holds. Because of this and the simple fact that Little Man will one day (hopefully) out grow Spider-Man, I wanted to have a room that could easily become something else without a full re-do.
I settled on a neutral grey for the walls. It isn’t a “baby” color and it’s a light hue. Little Man’s room is the bedroom with only 1 window and it faces North. The closet doors were the classic 80’s brown hung sliders. The current flooring is an abused, matted blue. But, as I have said before, KEEP IN MIND ALL FUTURE RENOVATIONS WHEN CHOOSING YOUR PAINT COLOR. This carpet will eventually be replaced with a dark wood floor.
Keeping the Classic Grey by Benjamin Moore trim theme, I painted all walls a color that for the life of me, I can’t find the name of. The closet doors came off to get a coat of dark grey chalk board paint. The West wall was going to be a brick wall with Spider-Man Decal bursting through. Because the brick wall added a lot of red tone, I painted his dresser and bed blue.
The room came out great! I had never painted a brick wall before.
A few notes to consider if you want to copy this look:
My “mortar” lines are very straight and crisp. I taped and painted. I think for a more realistic look, I would tear the edges of the tape. Yes, this is more time consuming, but I think the outcome would make it worth it.
I painted the entire wall the same as the room color first. It was a good Mortar color and that saved me from painting lines.
For the brick, I blended colors. The colors I used were all samples by Benjamin Moore: Bricktone Red, Copper Clay, and Fox Run. I used basic craft paint in black to accent random bricks. I dry brushed it on with a rag. There was no rhyme or reason for how I applied the colors and I eye-balled the whole thing.
Decals can be removed or replaced easily. Hell, I could have a unicorn come through that wall one day.
This room will receive the tittle of “Make-Over” once we replace the shitty carpet, update the lighting, and hang a new door. Until then, it’s just another “Fake-Over”.
But, hey, I’ll take it!`