The Who’s Who of My Unplanned Life

I manage all things family: Schedules, grocery, schools, sports, birthdays, etc. I believe in the Littles having weekly chores and responsibilities. Maintaining this large household is A LOT of work and I have been known to get a bit pissy if no one helps. Pet peeves include: balled up, crusty socks, littered throughout the house and yard; dirty dishes in the sink; and dirty toilets. Seriously, how hard is it to pee INSIDE THE TOILET BOWL?! Oh, and the best part is my kids think I literally DO NOTHING all day because I “don’t work.” For fucks sake, I WORK! I JUST NEVER GET TO LEAVE. Before reentering the SAH Mom World, I was working at our local Resort Coordinating and Planning Events. Sometimes I daydream about having a client bitch me out over the lack of color options for napkins and the reward of a genuine “thank you” when you spend 5 hours chasing down that perfect color and everything falls into a beautifully planned event. Then, I look at my kids and I am brought back to the real world, my world. I wipe their tears, I kiss their boo-boos, and I teach them hard life lessons. I think about the infinite hours that are taken from my family to please someone else’s. I have no desire to go back to those insane hours; I LOVE My Family Too Much. Every night, looking at the Hubz, I thank the universe for making us cross paths 3x; in the same spot, in the same week, 7 months after originally meeting each other. Read Our Story Here
The Hubz:
This man is not only THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, but My Hero. He is the GLUE of our family and the VOICE OF REASON. He has a plan for the plan, but can easily change direction at a drop of a hat and be cool… He is MY ROCK. The Hubz LOVES HIS FAMILY and loves them FIERCELY. Something you should know about The Hubz is that he is Mr. Safety… and I mean like, “Our baby isn’t safe on the toddler structure”; “The kid chairs are too high”; “Let’s get wall to wall foam matting!” kind of Mr. Safety.
The 14 year old Teenager; my First Born. Thinks she knows EVERYTHING. Doesn’t let anyone forget she’s the OLDEST, which is fine because she’s paving the road for everyone else. Ha! She Lives and Breathes Gymnastics. Doesn’t miss an opportunity to point out how “UNCOOL” Mom is. Still needs cuddles. Will Forever Be My Little Girl.
The 11 year old. The OLDEST BOY; the Hubz’s 1st Born. Growing up way too fast; I still remember him when he was barely 5. Boss thinks he’s in the same age/privilege category as Roo; he’s not. LOVES ANIMALS and is a strong athlete. The Boss isn’t necessarily “Bossy.” He’s more of a “Man with a plan” type. He has a sensitive side and is a Phenomenal Big Bro.
Baby Girl:
The 11 year old, six months younger than Boss. My 2nd Born. She is CREATIVE and a DREAMER. This girl is Strong; both inside and out. Stands up for what she believes and always kisses mommy goodnight. She will forever be my “Baby Girl.”

Dos Tres:
The 10 year old. The 2nd oldest boy; the Hubz’s Second Born. EASY GOING. Again, also growing up way too fast. I have been a part of his life since he was 4 years old. Dos Tres basically behaves as the TWIN of Boss. He’s a Fantastic Helper and a Go-Getter of Life.
Little Man:
The 6 year old. The Hubz’s 3rd son and the YOUNGEST BOY. And he is ALL BOY. In fact, Little Man is teaching me what it really means to have a boy; I’m clearly still learning. Little Man was our family’s “Little Surprise.” We actually didn’t have the pleasure of meeting him until a month before his 2nd birthday. What started off as a journey of adjustments, 4 years ago, has grown into a seamless bond of mother and son and I honestly couldn’t imagine our family without him. Little Man is a Knight in Shining Armor.
The Baby. Number 6. The Hubz’s and I only child together. Pretty sure she believes she’s 3 years old. She’s one. Princess is the only reason “wall to wall foam matting” was a real conversation in our house. For me, Princess is the perfect mix of Roo and Baby Girl. She is Strong willed, determined, and the Happiest Baby Ever.